Pack 42 Leadership
This "behind-the-scenes" team of volunteers handles administrative and supports tasks, allowing the Cubmaster and Den Leaders to focus on working directly with the Scouts.
Dennis Ives Chartered Organization Representative Serves as a liaison between the units and the organization, helps select the right leadership for the unit, promotes well planned, quality programs. Brent Moss Unit Commissioner Represents the ideals, principles and policies of the Scouting program while providing the resources of the district and council to the units they serve. The primary purpose of the Unit Commissioner is to help units succeed. Alixis Sanders Committee Chair Leads the Pack committee and is responsible for the administration, oversight, and support of the Pack program. Corwin Loreman Cubmaster Aria Engstrom Incoming 2025-2026 Cubmaster Sees that Cub Scouts receive a quality, year-round program filled with fun activities, runs Pack meetings, and guides and supports Den leaders. Andrew Holloway Advancement Chair Collects Den advancement reports at Pack Leaders’ meetings, orders badges and insignia, coordinates with the Scoutmaster and Webelos Den Leader for transitions from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. Joey Loreman New Member Coordinator Shares the benefits of Scouting, coordinates unit recruitment, guides the joining and welcoming process for youth and their families. Michael Lynn Fundraising Chair Also called the "Popcorn Kernel,” supervises fundraising to ensure that every youth member has the opportunity to participate in popcorn sales or other council fundraising events. Jennifer Phillips Treasurer Approves all spending, helps create a yearly budget, keeps up-to-date financial records. Anne Holloway Pack Admin. Ensures proper records are kept within the Pack. |
Adults, usually the parent of a Scout in their Den, who plan and carry out activities related to adventures as presented in the Scout's handbooks and Den Leader Guides.
For the 2024-2025 school year:
Travis Walker
Matt Mourning Lion Amy Lynn
Joe Repp Tiger Sandra Holler
Brett Selby Wolf Aria Engstrom
Ryan Parker Jon Guncay Simon Jeffrey Bear Roland Roth
Rachel Giacobozzi Webelos Joey Loreman Sarah Adams Arrow of Light |